Friday, July 22, 2005

So Many Choices!!!

With so many companies, both large and small, making natural and anti-aging skin care products: How do you know which one to choose? (well, that's easy, our products of course.) Isn't that the million dollar question? Put bluntly, some of those products could cost you a bundle or just make your bank account feel like it has.

Is the highest priced products better or are you just paying for the packaging and name? Don't get me wrong, we all love our favorite brand names. There is only one brand of ketchup allowed in my house. But, there are alot of really great skin care products that won't break you. Okay, you know this next line is coming: like our Abrione line made exclusively by VB Cosmetics. If you haven't tried them, how will you know? They are made with the highest quality of ingredients and the best part is that they are bank account friendly.

So, try our website and check out the store. If you have any questions, write to me either here or there is a place on the store site. Our products are for everyone, so guys don't be shy: we know you are just as concerned as we are about skin care.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Heels, Elbows, Knees, and Toes

Isn't there a song something like that? Oh wait, that's head, shoulders, knees and toes. Well anyway, my point is this: Do you have heels that split, crack and hurt when you walk? I did, until I used Abrione's Heels and Elbows. It is one of the first products I used and totally love it. My heels don't crack and split anymore. They used to get so bad; I could pull chunks of skin off. (Of course that hurt even more.) Then I tried a sample of Heels and Elbows: twice a day and once a week used a pumice stone. I was amazed how smooth my heels were and still are. I still use the product everyday and the pumice stone once a week. Oh and my elbows, they are just as smooth.

Heels and Elbows just isn't for the heels/elbows, if you have really dry skin on the legs it can be used and also for the face at night before bed. Heck, I even use it on my hands once a day. It is a really great moisturizer that is thick and smooth without a strong scent. I just love the feel of it and also a little goes along way. It's summer time and you want to show off your feet in those new sandals or just walk on your heels without pain, go to VB and click on the store and you will find it under body lotions. All of our products are available, so browse around; you never know what else you may find and like to try.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

What is Chakra?

Chakra signifies one of seven energy centers in the body that corresponds to the seven main nerve centers. The chakra system has been used for thousands of years as an integral part of holistic healing originating from the ancient Hindu system. The seven main chakras reflect aspects of consciousness and govern our lives, loves, learning and spiritual awakenings. Here at VB Cosmetics we have made it easy to purchase all seven of the energy centers in the form of masques.

1. Red: is associated with the first chakra; Muladhara. This hot color represents our vitality, physical strength and most importantly our life energy. Muladhara governs physical needs and security.
2. Orange: represents the second; Svadhisthana. This warm color symbolizes energy, invigoration, sweetness and confidence. Svadhisthana governs sexuality, emotions and desires.
3. Yellow: the third chakra; Solar Plexus Manipura. This color is thought to help elevate moods and alleviate exhaustion/burnout. Solar Plexus Manipura governs power.
4. Emerald Green: associated with the fourth; Heart-Anahata. This is considered to be the great balancer. Anahata governs love, forgiveness and compassion.
5. Blue: is the fifth; throat-Vissudha. It is believed to bring lightness, peace and calm. Vissudha governs communication.
6. Indigo: is the sixth chakra; Ajna-the third eye. It is thought to build a positive outlook and bring inner strength. Ajna governs intuition and reasoning.
7. Amethyst: the one is the seventh; Sahasrara. It represents inner power. Sahasrara governs spirituality and understanding.

Now that you are educated in Chakras, how do you choose? Well if you are an individual or spa, you/your client could either smell or go by visual. The one that appeals to you/client the most is the one you/they are lacking and need.