Monday, March 06, 2006


VB Cosmetics and sister company ANALYZE INC. are proud to announce we are ISO 9000-2001 certified. It has been along haul, but we made it. We would like all our customers and readers to know our company policy.

Our goal is to be successful by meeting or exceeding our customer's expectations by providing products which are cost effective and produced with consistent quality and delivered on time and manufactured safely.

We are extremely proud of our accomplishments and we would like to insure our customers they are receiving the very best and beyond that we have to offer.

Doesn't Anyone Read The Whole Word Anymore??????

It has come to my attention that people just don't know how to read properly or are just too lazy. How about the NO turn on red, that sign is there for a very good reason. There is a blind spot and it is too dangerous to make a right turn on red. I counted five and yes I will say it, IDIOTS who turned right on red and there is no way they didn't see the sign since there are two of them. One idiot even had to slam on there brakes because believe it or not another car who had the green light came at them. An accident waiting to happen. Also how about those donation dumpster for clothes only, clearly marked clothes only, and every time I go by, there are mattresses and furniture, usually broken, and other junk. Again we are too lazy to read or just too lazy to drive to the nearest place to donate it properly. What is wrong America? Reading is a gift, a really wonderful gift taught to us when in grade school. When we were little we really had to work at learning to read and now? I love to read, so maybe that is why I don't understand how people can mistake one brand of skin care for another. All you would have to do is READ the entire word and you will see they are two different brands. They don't even look alike, but because people see the first letter and seem to stop reading after that, they just assume they know what brand they saw. Well, you don't, you have to keep reading the rest of the word. Do you just read the first letter of someone's name and just assume because the letter is a L that the name is Larry when in fact it could be Lorre. Please America, use the wonderful gift of reading that you fought so hard to learn in grade school, not just for brand names but also for all those fabulous books, there is a whole world out there. Teach our children to read the whole word, not just the first letter.